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klik klik di Likaholix dapat dollar

⊆ 06.30 by PPC AND TIPS on INTERNET | ˜ 0 komentar »

Anda bisa gabung di Likaholix
untuk mencari $$ atau hanya beraktifitas seperti layaknya ada bermain di Facebook.Setelah anda join,anda diminta untuk mengkoneksikan Likaholix dengan akun facebook anda.Cara nya juga mudah,anda tinggal klik-klik saja pada link yang sudah diberikan oleh Likaholix
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Dapatkan Dollar Pertamamu dari Browser

⊆ 23.23 by PPC AND TIPS on INTERNET | ˜ 0 komentar »

Mungkin anda sudah banyak mengunjungi situs atau blog yang menjajikan kepada anda bahwa anda akan mendapatkan ribuan dollar dari internet,tapi nyatanya sampai sekarang anda belum pernah dapat apa apa????

Lalu anda bertanya benar gak sich internet bisa menghasilkan dollar?????

Kalo memang benar lalu kenapa saya kok gak pernah dapat dollar????????????

Jawabanya cuma satu. Anda kurang fokus atau bahkan anda tidak fokus. Karena terlalu banyak program yang anda ikuti jadinya anda tidak bisa fokus ke pada program -program yang anda ikuti tersebut jadi hasilnya pun juga gak memuaskan.

Oleh karena itu jika anda masih ingin dapat dollar dari internet coba fokuslah ke salah satu program saja dulu.Anda tekunin selama sebulan lalu anda evaluasi bagaimana hasilnya.

Ini ada satu program yang bisa anda jalankan, ini program sangat mudah sekali dijalankan,bahkan tidak mengganggu pekerjaan anda,tidak perlu promosi atau cari downline,tidak perlu punya website atau blog.Bahkan sambil anda melakukan kerjaan kantor anda anda bisa dapat dollar dari sini.

Program ini punya bekerja sama dengan YAHOO jadi pasti membayar anda. Jika anda fokus saya yakin anda pasti berhasil,bahkan saya jamin 5 menit pertama anda gabung dengan program ini anda sudah dapat dollar. DIJAMIN.

Tugas anda hanya fokus pada program ini saja,anda akan melihat hasilnya. Dapatkan dollar di 5 menit pertama anda.

Oke akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara begabung dan mendapatkan dollar dari program ini.

1. Klik di sini

untuk daftar.

2. Setelah halaman interadmedia muncul maka , kamu klik yang di sebelah kanan atas yang bertuliskan”join and startbrowsing”

3. Kemudian isi form pendaftaran (isi dengan benar)

4. Lihat email kamu, untuk activasi account kamu di interadmedia.

5. Kemudian klik yang di email kamu, untuk membuka activasi account kamu.

6. Email kamu jangan di hapus yang dari interadmedia karena untuk login lagi.

7. Setelah klik yang di e-mail tadi dan keluar jendela baru yang membuka halaman interad media, maka kamu masukan alamat email kamu dan password kamu.

8. Setelah masuk di halaman member maka kamu bisa browsing sekarang.

9. Klik “Get Paid To Browsing” atau “start” lalu klik “star browsing”

10. Kamu klik tadi maka halaman peraturan untuk mulai browsingpun muncul. kamu klik di contreng/centang/cawang yang di bawahnya yang ada di halaman tadi. yang ada tulisan “I Agree…..” kemudian klik yang di bawahnya untuk “star browsing”

11. Maka halaman browsing akan muncul secara otomatis.

Dihalaman browsing itu ada sebuah penghitung waktunya disebelah kanan atas . Secara otomatis itu akan berjalan sampai 5 menit.

Setelah 5menit maka halaman itu secara otomatis akan tertutup dan kembali di halaman member area.

Maka kamu bisa lakukan cara yang tadi untuk memulai browsing lagi. Setelah 5 menit kemudian akan tertutup lagi, dan maka kamu start lagi, begitu seterusnya.


Jika kamu tidak ingin halaman browsing itu tertutup maka setelah waktu penghitung berjalan pointer mouse kamu arahkan ke pada jendela browsing kamu (itu lho tempat nulis alamat web kalo kamu mau surfing) terus klik setelah itu enter nah setelah itu kamu tinggal kemanapun tidak akan tertutup lagi, Bahkan kamu tutup pun asal komputer kamu tetap konek ke internet dollar kamu tetep mengalir. Ini bisa kamu jalankan di warnet lho.

Browsing sebanyak- banyaknya Hingga kamu mendapatkan dollar untuk bisa tarik dollarnya.

Tarik dollarnya di “Withdraw Fund” dan dikirim ke alamat paypal kamu yang sudah kamu isikan di awal pendaftaran tadi. kalau belum kamu masukkan alamat paypal kamu maka kamu bisa setting di” member ships detail ” trunt detas klik “edit account”



Bagi anda yang ikut program ini melalui warnet,jika anda pindah warnet untuk login lagi anda harus klik lagi link aktivasi yang dikirim ke email anda pertama kali waktu daftar,karena program ini mendeteksi IP adres komputer anda.Jadi kalo login beda komputer harus menggunakan cara diatas.


Anda dibayar hanya dengan online saja $0.01/menit

Jadi kalo satu jam anda dapat $0.6

Sehari anda bisa online 10 jam maka anda dapat $6

Kalo sebulan berarti anda dapat $180



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Asked Tourism perpetrators Careful

⊆ 23.55 by PPC AND TIPS on INTERNET | ˜ 0 komentar »

The tourism business is expected to implement the strategy carefully in order to attract foreign tourists. Therefore, the impact of global crisis is seriously affecting the visit of foreign tourists, especially those located outside of Asia.

This was revealed by the Director General of Marketing Department of Culture and Tourism, Sapta Nirwandar, on the sidelines of the National Seminar on Hotel and Restaurant Association of Indonesia in Jakarta, Sein (9 / 2). "In this crisis, the strategy must be careful. Moreover, reduction of long distance tourists have seen now," Sapta said.

Sapta said that the level of Asian cooperation, especially in ASEAN must be more improved. In addition to a closer distance, the estimated cost of the visit also tend to be cheaper.

While service in the tourism and promotion through the local tourism office will help in bringing tourists. In addition to offering diversity, certainly could indicate that Indonesia has many advantages over culture-owned.

"We have these efforts beginning to look like Visit Lampung, Bangka Belitung Visit, and the like," added Sapta.

Local marketing, Sapta-up, must remain a major concern. Because most of the country through tourism revenue contributed by domestic tourists.

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Green Tourism

⊆ 23.50 by PPC AND TIPS on INTERNET | ˜ 0 komentar »

Tourism of Indonesia should have a mature concept of foreign tourists to bring one of them is the concept of green tourism or green tourism.

The view was expressed Travel Bureau Director of Sumatra and Beyond, Ridwan Tulus, in Padang, Saturday (21 / 2), on the sidelines of a series of visits to a number of national artists of West Sumatra (West Sumatra).

According to him, the concept of green tourism there are four things to think about. First, the people who came to be what kind of conditions should be done and what is not allowed. Thus, the public will be pleased to receive visitors, as well as for those who come will feel comfortable.

Second, as the program that initiated the planting of coral reefs. This is intended to enrich and beautify the nature, meaning that tourism activities are not damaging the environment or nature.

Furthermore, third, how a concept of tourism that provides direct benefits to communities located on the region's attractions. So far the concept of tourism development instead shifts the communities around tourist areas and not melibatnya. So, said Ridwan, through green tourism encouraged people directly involved in tourism development, in the sense of watching local wisdom.

Fourth, related to the tourism environment koservasi so through the concept of West Sumatra Padang and forwards can become a tourist destination in the world. So far, he said, people's views in the development of tourism needs investment, not really.

"We're very confident with green tourism program, because it was done with schools in England. Our program in the UK compete to win a number of countries including Malaysia, Thailand, China, and Korea, because the program was initiated to touch the school children," he said.

Indonesia has the potential to reap revenue to 10 billion U.S. dollars from tourism.

"Indonesia has the potential to reap huge revenues without losing resources of oil and gas mining," said Commissioner of PT Taman Candi Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko SD Darmono in Jakarta, Wednesday (12 / 2).

According Darmono, if Indonesia is able to bring foreign tourists to visit, one of them, the Borobudur Temple as many as 10 million people per year, potential to get 10 billion U.S. dollars is enormous. This will happen if a tourist spends an average of funds for the tour of 1,000 U.S. dollars. "Most of our income is from oil and gas, but when we dug the tourism potential that will bring benefits that do not lose big," he said.

Until now, Indonesia had about 13 billion dollars in revenue from oil and gas sector, which is the main contributor. "Even if we managed to attract many foreign tourists to come, then the benefits gained not only from one sector but many sectors," he said.

He pointed out, visited France about 70 million foreign tourists per year who spend an average of 1000 funds for the U.S. dollar so that France scooped at least 7 billion dollars per year from tourism.

Most tourists visit the Eiffel tower that he was only 300 years old. In fact, Indonesia has one of the special tourist destinations, namely Borobudur Temple which have more than 1000 years. Visitors Borobodur in 2008 reached 3 million people by the number of 200,000 foreign tourists.

It was working hard to bring more visitors to the largest Buddhist temple in the world through a variety of ways. "This will bring prosperity to Indonesia better," he said

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Speeding Mozilla Forefox

⊆ 20.04 by PPC AND TIPS on INTERNET | ˜ 0 komentar »

Create your mozilla user and like to browse but lemotzz connection. . ya no tips for mozilla firefox hack speeding and was let was wus wus. . .

1. Open Mozilla.

2. Typing in addres bar "about: config" (without the slave).

3. Scroll your mouse down and find "network.http.max-connections", double click and the input value "64".

4. Search for "network.http.max-connections-per-server", double click and the input value "21".

5. Search 'network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server ", double click and enter the value" 8 ".

6. Doube click on the "network.http.pipelining" to "true".

7. Search for "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", double click and the input value "100".

8. Double click on the "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true".

9. The last step, right-click anywhere select: New>> integrar>> then write "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" (without the quotation marks ". Then input the value" 0 ".

Close Mozilla you, then go back and compare his speed before you make this setting. Okay, how were the results??

How To: Install OpenOffice 3.0.1

Firstly, go to the OpenOffice website: and download the Linux .deb file.

Once you have done that, extract the .deb file, OOo_3.0.1_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz then you'll see a file called OOO300_m15_native_packed-1_en-US.9379

You can remove the existing version of OpenOffice if you wish with this command: sudo apt-get remove openoffice*.*

Copy and paste OOO300_m15_native_packed-1_en-US.9379 onto the desktop then open Terminal and paste this command: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/OOO300_m15_native_packed-1_en-US.9379/DEBS/*.deb

Then paste this command: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/OOO300_m15_native_packed-1_en-US.9379/DEBS/desktop-integration/openoffice.org3.0-debian-menus_3.0-9376_all.deb

Once you've done that you'll find OpenOffice 3.0.1 in Office

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